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Before you Go....Daily Devotional Day 1

Writer: Gabriele GilpinGabriele Gilpin

Daily Devotional

To get the best out of your daily time of devotion, be intentional about setting ample time apart to praise and worship the Lord, to read His Word, to wait upon Him and to pray. Allow Him to show you things to come and to speak to you.

Day 1

Flesh vs. Spirit

Galatians 5:17,22

"For the flesh wars against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to

one another..But the fruit of the Spirit is love......"

It is important to understand, especially before, during and after a mission trip, that you and the team will be challenged. This is a great opportunity to exercise self-control, keeping your love on and to draw even closer to God. To remain sober, vigilant and to submit to God, and resist the enemy and he has to flee.

The greatest warfare fought is "internal", especially when you are part of a team ministry.

Various personalities and other's quirks can cause someone to be annoyed and this can result in much internal striving, which can easily manifest through attitudes!

Run to the Lord and ask Him to give you an outpouring of His love in your heart. Be aggressive

and fervent in prayer about this and guard your heart.

PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for this opportunity to die to my flesh daily and to embrace the

assignment You have for me. I humble myself under Your mighty hand and ask you to show me

areas in my heart that needs change and transformation. I give my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You and I will wash my mind with the Word of God on a daily basis. Not to be conformed to this world system, but to be transformed in the renewing of my mind. Let there be a transformation inside of me by the power of the Holy Spirit! (see Romans 12:1-2) Amen.


Pray for the location:

and for the primary type of ministry that will be done by this team

* Travel arrangements to the nation and while in the nation

* Safety of the team

*God's favor and grace

*Team health

*Language barrier/interpreters

*adjustments to the culture and climate

Do you know any faithful people, you can ask to intercede for this trip?

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