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Before you GO - Daily Devotional Day 2

Writer: Gabriele GilpinGabriele Gilpin

Daily Devotional

To get the best out of your daily time of devotion, be intentional about setting ample

time apart to praise and worship the Lord, to read His Word, to wait upon Him and to

pray. Allow Him to show you things to come and to speak to you.

Day 2


2 Corinthians 5:20 We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his

appeal through us.

It is such a privilege to be sent out and to be those ambassadors for Christ, who will lead others to Him. An ambassador is also a Diplomat. A Diplomat conducts diplomacy - the main functions of diplomats revolve around the representation and protection of the interests of the sending state, as well as the promotion of information and friendly relations.

We are in this world, but not of this world, our citizenship is in heaven. We belong to the Kingdom of God and we have God's heart to release to the nations. His heart is: for no one to perish, but all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, therefore we represent His interest and conduct ourselves accordingly.

There should be no room in me to try to build my own kingdom, but my endeavor and prayer is that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth (in the place I go) as it is in heaven.

There is no room for me to bring my own culture and put it on display!

The Bible is filled with sayings reflecting our true identity in Christ Jesus. Being a "child of God", the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus", and "more than a conqueror", are only a few.

The key to being a diplomat of Christ is to keep His interests as our priority, to reflect Him, and to stay focused on Christ and minister in humility. Always consider others more important than yourself, and keep in mind the blood of Jesus, He shed for the people.

In order to keep offenses at bay, it is important not to become to "familiar" with the surroundings and to always remember Who we represent. Our calling, as an ambassador, is to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. Let's reflect His life.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for a greater revelation on what it means to be Your ambassador. I like to carry Your message and presence to a sick and dying world. May you manifest Yourself in our midst and may we see signs and wonders confirming Your word! Put a passion into my heart and I am asking for the refiner's fire to come and burn out everything not fitting. So that I can run with your power and mandate for a time such as this.


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