Greetings! After a night, in which I spent listening to Soaring Eagle messages like the one above, I knew the Lord desired for me to focus on the messages on the "Kingdom Mysteries" series. Therefore, this message is definitively
When you encounter the infinite mystery of the Father, then you will realize that He is more glorious than anything you could ever imagine. Deep and truly dedicated prayers are an act of love between you and your Beloved! There are many layers of prayer; one of them is to meditate and ponder and reflect deeply on His life and the mysteries of our Lord Jesus. For us to commune with Him, meet with Him and abide in Him, requires that we enter into the deepest and innermost chambers within our heart and soul. It is in His secret place, in this innermost dwelling, where we discover the love, His glory and utter beauty of the Father.
Many Christians world-wide are starting a dedicated time of prayer and fasting. We have already called such a time out of Isaiah 58, where the Lord is saying: "Is this not the fast that I have chosen?"
This is why this fast is solely up to you and the Lord. The precious Holy Spirit will lead and guide you. True prayer takes place deep in your innermost being. It's in this secret place of union deep within you, where you will meet with the Father. Even Saint Teresa of Avila, describes the soul as a castle in which God dwells. I believe, she was spot-on, because a castle is a dwelling place for a King.....(please listen to the nearly 9 min. audio message above)
What does the Lord expect from us, during a time of fasting and praying?
Have you asked yourself what He is expecting from you?
After visiting the message on YouTube, could you kindly leave a comment and share what the Lord is saying to you and possible answer above question? Thank you!
After taking the time to watch the insightful message on YouTube, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a thoughtful comment. In your comment, please share what the Lord is revealing to you personally through this message. It would also be beneficial if you could reflect on and provide your perspective regarding the question posed above. Your insights and experiences could serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration for others who view the message. Thank you for your willingness to engage and contribute to this meaningful discussion!
Abiding in the Lord,
Gabriele Gilpin
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